Our Daily Buzz-stops

What a whirlwind! It seems like only last week we started working from home, delivering equipment to our people, getting our teams online and ensuring that our Clients customers were supported. In the background we had a pool of new trainees starting their journey with Kura and we were all ready to face into the unknown together! Training from home, keeping up engagement levels, demonstrating our culture and ensuring their introduction to Kura was not affected by the strange times we find ourselves in.

The training was a great success, with our Learning & Development team ensuring a solution was in place and any challenges were solved before the training commenced. Our trainers  held engaging sessions via Zoom, keeping up group activities and thinking outside of the box when it came to embedding the learning.

With the first team through our first virtual training, they now had the chance to make a difference and we wanted to tackle the feedback received from Trainees, Managers and Agents, ensuring our people have the correct mix between knowledge, skills and live experience post-training. Our Grad Managers recognised it was a great time to take stock, revise what we do and ensure this process is ever evolving, with our people at the forefront.

We have introduced daily ‘Buzz-stop’ modules for key areas, based around the feedback and the common challenges faced by new Agents on this campaign. These bite-sized Zoom sessions are based around soft-skills, key processes, compliance areas; ultim

ately preparing Agents for their journey to the core team. This is something we can adapt straight back into the cla

ssroom when we return to the office. Learning will also be enhanced through the introduction of the Grad Diary, where the Grads will document personal challenges, successes and identify when key competencies are achieved. The Kura values are embedded throughout the Grad Diary to ensure that although working remotely, they feel part of the bigger team and can document their journey to crossing the bridge.

Our Grad Mentors continue to shine, and we have setup a direct support line for our Grads to mirror the support they would receive in the office. The mentors hold daily coaching sessions, driving accountability from the offset by instilling the use of the Grad Diary and ensuring all support tools are being utilised.

I am very excited about the future ramp and to see how people grow and develop throughout their 3-week Grad Journey. I’m sure we will see a more confident, accountable, and passionate Agent come out of the new process, set up for success when joining their core team.