National Customer Service Week 2016
From 3rd -7th of October brought us National Customer Service Week. This is something that was eagerly anticipated by the team at Kura as our philosophy is to help people be the best they can be and what better way to do that than dedicate a full week to celebrate our people.
National Customer Service Week brought a range of things to the company but most importantly it brought a feeling of togetherness of teamwork and helped people realise their own value in the company. Throughout the week we had a variety of themes all provided by the Institute of Customer Service from customer teamwork and collaboration, to customer service strategy, which in particular was important to us here at Kura. Wednesday 5th of October was the first official birthday since the Kura rebrand. This was a really special occasion and as such we all celebrated with cake and treats.
We experienced a range of activities across the company which included team quizzes, some very inventive poetry, silent line up’s and we even had a red carpet awards ceremony to honour the special winners throughout the week. All in all, the Kura team had a fantastic week of celebrations and we can’t wait to do it all again next year!
If you’d like to look back on some of our blogs from NCSW you can click here to view Julie McIntosh, our Director or People and Culture, and Chris Chance, our Head of Customer Services for Scottish Power, thoughts.